(972) 253-8000 info@beggslaw.com


Wills & Estate Planning

The Preparation of a Will & Estate Planning is not just for the elderly or the wealthy or those who own property:  It is for everyone.

The Beggs Law Firm provides guidance in every aspect of estate planning to individuals living in the Dallas area and beyond. Providing a secure future for yourself and your loved ones is your primary objective, and we aim to make it happen in accordance with your wishes.

            Let’s be honest – you won’t be here, but your family and loved ones will. Your plan should provide for distribution of your property in the way you see fit, allowing you to ensure your wishes are realized.

            Remember, if you don’t have a Will, then the State of Texas gets to decide “who gets what” after you depart this world. Don’t let the Texas Legislature decide where your property goes. The Legislature doesn’t know your business, or your loved ones, or what is best for either – you should make that decision.

Some specific services include:

  • Creation of simple or complex wills, trusts, and other planning documents
  • Creation of various financial and healthcare directives including living wills
  • Medical and general powers of attorney
  • Setting up guardianships or appointing guardians in case of future health and safety issues
  • Documents for dealing with governmental agencies and programs

            As events in your life take place, your financial, family, and health situations change. we recommend clients review their documents often; any major event, including a marriage, birth or adoption of a child, a death, or divorce can change your future outlook and the effectiveness of your estate planning documents.

            Additionally, clients are encouraged to make clear, in a legal document, their wishes regarding medical treatments and financial affairs. In the tragic event that you are ever unable to communicate your desires, these directives are crucial to ensuring that your wishes are carried out by your loved ones and medical personnel. Attorneys from Beggs Law Firm can aid you in drafting directives that will guide your family and medical providers in making decisions that are in harmony with what you want.

Your estate is safe in your hands now, make sure it stays safe with your loved ones.

Call us at (972) 253-8000 or email us to set up a consultation. Let us assist you in protecting what’s yours.